Sunday, June 17, 2012

I Want to Be Big!

I had a very interesting conversation with Andy this morning.  I was in the bathroom getting ready for church (which was FABULOUS!) and he was sitting on the toilet doing his deed.

Andy:  I can't wait to get big.
Me:  Why?
Andy:  I want to be married.
Me:  Really?
Andy:  My Honey (what he calls is future wife, isn't that so cute??), her name will be....Abby or Grace.  (FYI:  the 2 girls at daycare)  My kids will be, uh....Joey and Andy!
I just keep listening, as he truly has a the whole thing planned out.  The next comment was the best, as it was a great idea that had just occurred to him!

Andy:  Mom, I can marry you!  Then daddy can marry lots of girls!
He thought this was brilliant!

Mommy, will you marry me?
I then explained to him that that is not how things work.  He can't marry me, because I am married to his dad.  We made a vow in front of God that we would love each other forever, and be married forever.  We can't marry anyone else.  I highly doubt he understands this, but I thought the proposal was cute!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Happy Birthday, Aunt Megan!

This past weekend, the boys and I headed down to Iowa to celebrate my sister, Megan's, birthday!  Megan lives in Houston and drove up for her birthday.  We had a great celebration with ham balls (super yummy!) and cheesy potatoes!  Seriously, the best meal ever!

Of course, there was cake!  Andy was so excited for the cake and couldn't wait to eat it!  Before we cut into the cake, we got this great picture with Aunt Megan.  Joey cracks me up!  The faces we have captured on camera, are just crazy.

Happy Birthday, Aunt Megan!
Joey had the privilege to stay at grandma's this week.  He is attending the golf camp that I went to as a kid.  So far, it sounds like he is having a great time!  My mom sent me a Joeyism that I need to share:

"Pops, I didn't even notice you wear glasses."
"Yep, I do."
"I think it's because they blend in with your face."
"Hmmm, that's probably because they are black."
"And your face isn't even black!"
Pops chuckles.

Then she sent another:

"We (Joey and grandma) just finished reading and I asked him if he could remember page 78 for tomorrow.  He said he could remember a tornado warning from when he was three.  So I guess that since he can remember that, he will be able to remember page 78 for tomorrow.  lol" 

I miss you, Jojo!!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Bitter Sweet Day

Field Day.  This is a day that all Aspen students look forward to all year.  Our students work so extremely hard all year, and today is the day they get to be kids...all day!  All 350 students gathered at a park today, were split into 10 teams (wearing super cool shirts designed by my good friend!!), and went through 8 different stations.  It was a blast!  And, on top of it, the weather was AWESOME!!!  We could not have asked for a better skies, 80's, slight breeze...beautiful!

Field Day is great, because it also reminds us that it is the end of the school year!  I am so excited to be home for the summer with my kids (even though I am sure I will go nutty some days!), and just relax.  But will I really relax?  Probably not!  There is always too much to do...housework, PC, scrapping, planning for next year, more housework.  BUT Field Day also reminds me that I only have one day left with my kinders.  I get so attached to my students, and their ways, that I miss them.  I know there is a whole new class coming in next year, but I still miss my kids.  I have to share one story:

My kids scrapbook every year.  I give them about 15 photos from throughout the year, lay a ton of paper and stickers out, and they go to town!  While one little boy was working, I overheard him say to a little girl, "This one must have been from back in the day.  I think I was five."  It took everything for me not to laugh out loud.  Keep in mind, he is six!  That is what I will miss....

....but, I have Joey and Andy to keep me going throughout the summer! :)

The favorite station of the day...Crazy Hair and Face Painting!

Joey and I on Field Day!
Guess what Joey is doing tonight???  Having a sleepover with our friends who have triplet girls!!  I know, call me crazy, but he wanted to go water skiing with them tonight after supper, and they offered.  He is one lucky boy getting to have a sleepover on a school night! :)  Happy end of 2nd grade!!  I am proud of you, JoJo!

Give Cooper a Hand!

Over the weekend, Cooper learned to do "So Big" by himself!  It is so cute, as his little arms are so short, he barely can get them above his head.  And he is very interested in his cute little hands, as when they are up in the air, he truly examines it.  Too cute!

Last night while waiting for Joey to get done with lacrosse, Andy and I were trying to get Cooper to play So Big.  Every time I would say, So Big, he would start clapping and just laughing!  I had never seen him clap before.  I was so glad I had my camera, as I got some photos of him going crazy!

Super excited!

Look at me!

Andy wanted a picture of him clapping too!

Cooper and Andy

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Going Solo

I FINALLY am getting some alone time today.  My husband has been gone for 4 weeks and he is back for the weekend.  Yes, I have been a single mom for four weeks.  Let me just say this, I do not know how all the single moms do it.  I give tremendous kudos to all of you!  I know that God has given us the gifts to "just get it done," but it is hard.  Thank goodness for a great support team, my mother-in-law, who came and stayed with Andy when he had a fever, so I could go to work.  My friends, who watched the boys when I had my 3 Pampered Chefs show while Steve was gone.  My co-workers for being understanding when I don't have something done or need to leave to care for one of my children.  I couldn't do any of it without you!  Thank you!!

But, today, is a busy day!  I need to go to school and work.  Yup, it is a Saturday, and I will be there for the majority of the day and tomorrow.  You see, we have Field Day on Wednesday.  It is my baby, and I am in charge of 350 kids having the best day all year long!  I love it.  I love helping to provide this awesome day for the kids, especially after they have worked so hard all year long!  I have 100 (awesome!) parents volunteering their time, and a wonderful staff who carries out all the stations.  It is a great day, but takes a lot of that is what I am doing today.  Plus, I have to make my end of the year gifts for my kids! Oh yeah, and those things called REPORT CARDS.   Busy, busy, busy!!
My husband, Steve, with his mini-me.  Ready to tackle the day!