Friday, December 14, 2012

May God Be with All of Us Tonight

I just laid Cooper down for the night.  I said our prayer, like I do every night, but tonight I added something.  I prayed to our Dear Lord for the moms and dads who wouldn't be snuggling their little ones into bed tonight.  I then cried.  I cried a lot.

Why?  Many of us are asking, WHY?  This event hit home a little too much for me.  I have taught kindergarten for the past 4 years.  I have had over 100 5 and 6 year olds come through my room, who depended on me to keep them safe while they were away from their parents.  Me.  Me alone.  What if this would have happened to my class?  I can't even think about it.  It is just so sad.  So wrong.  So very, very wrong.

I will never forget the first lock-down drill I had to experience, as a teacher.  Growing up, we didn't have these types of drills.  Teachers didn't have to worry about a gunman coming into our schools and shooting people...well, at least not in my small little Iowa town.  But up here in the city, in 2004, we had to have a lock-down drill.  My student was in industrial tech at the time.  We were down in the basement, there were no windows.  The teacher and I had to direct the kids to go under their tables.  I remember doing the same and thinking, "What the heck are we doing??  What has the world come to that we have to practice what to do IF someone came into the school with a gun?"  It took everything for me not to cry during this drill, which leads me to believe I may have been a HUGE mess if this happened for real!  It is a moment I will never forget in my teaching career.

My prayers go out to the families who lost children, parents, friends, teachers, today.  My heart goes out to all the children who experienced this dreadful event, one that they never, in their short lives, should have encountered.  I want to do something more, but am unsure of what that is at the moment, so all I will do is pray to our GOOD, GOOD Lord and ask him to wrap his arms around those who lost a loved one today.  God Bless You!!!

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