Joseph Michael is our oldest. 8 years old, to be exact. Steve and I were married on May 10, 2003. When it came to having children, we told ourselves we would just "let things happen." We didn't want to be a couple who waited until we were "ready" to have a child, just to find out it would take us years to conceive. Well, lets just say I am fertile myrtle. At the end of August, we found out we were expecting our first baby. 2 weeks before our 1st anniversary, I gave birth to Joey.
Joey has always been a Joey. Not Joe, not Joseph (well, only when he is in trouble or I REALLY need his attention!). Sometimes JoJo. Do you remember the cartoon,
JoJo's Circus, on Disney? That cartoon was popular when Joey was a baby. I would have it on the tv while he was hanging out on the floor playing. I started calling him JoJo, and it just stuck! Actually, a couple of weeks ago, I had to go to Joey's class to tell him something. I tried to get his attention by calling him JoJo. He looked right at me and mouthed these words, "Don't call me JoJo." In that moment, my heart broke a little.
Joey and I went to the Twins game on his 8th birthday. |
Joey is going to be my artistic child. He loves to draw, especially cartoons, monsters, anything along those lines. Everyday he comes into my classroom and creates something with whatever he can get his hands on. Paper plates, construction paper, pipe cleaners, anything! He loves tape and staples. He also takes Boys Jazz Funk, and has really become a good dancer. I think when a man has the quality of dancing, they are doing good! Joey enjoys music and would like to learn to play the drums. He does stay active by playing lacrosse and basketball. The week after school, he is going to go to grandma's for the week and attend the golf camp I attended as a child. He is very excited about this new adventure!
Joey has 8 days of 2nd grade left, and then I can officially say I have a 3rd grader! I just can't believe how quickly the time has gone. This past year, I have watched Joey mature into a young man. He is so loving and caring towards his baby brother, Cooper. He still loves his mama, and still wants to cuddle with me. I will continue to cherish these moments, as I know they may end soon!
Latest Joey moment:
Joey: Tanner is going to spy camp. I want to go. Can I go?
Me: I don't even know about spy camp. I don't know where it is.
Joey: I bet if you sign me up for it, they will tell you where it is.
Me: I don't know how to sign you up for it.
Joey: I don't know. I bet you could go to
Right. Spy. com. That will solve everything! The best part was that I posted this on facebook, and Tanner's mom commented on how she didn't know about this! Come to find our he had asked her husband, and he said he was "down with that." Too bad there are no spy camps in MN!!